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Monday, May 21, 2018

Syllabus of Geography GRAD(IX-X)


A. Geo-Tectonics:

Earth’s Crust (Composition and Layering); Rocks (Origin, Types and
Characteristics); Folds and Faults (Types and Landforms); Mountain Building
and Plate Tectonics,Earthquakes (Causes and Effects) and Volcanoes.

B. Geomorphology:

Weathering; Mass Wasting;  Landform and Process (Fluvial, Glacial, Wind, Karst
and Marine);Normal Cycle of Erosion;Rejuvenation.


Continental Shelf and slope; Ocean Current; Topography of Ocean Floor ;Ocean Deposits;Resources of The Ocean;Salinity and Temperature of Ocean water.

D. Climatology:

Composition of the Atmosphere; Elements and Factors of Climate; Insolation, Heat Belts;
Pressure Belts; Planetary Wind System;Cyclones;Monsoon.

E. Biogeography:

Soils (Factors and Processes of Formation, Soil Profiles, Physical and Chemical Properties); World Soil Groups (Zonal, Azonal and Intra-Zonal0; Soil Erosion and Conservation; Plants (Factors of Plant Growth, Major Types of Natural Vegetation) Forest Conservation.

F. Environmental Geography:

Ecosystem (Principles and Components, Energy Flow, Food Chain, Food Web
and Bio-geochemical Cycles); Environmental Degradation and Conservation; Meaning of Natural Environment; Man-Environment Relationship; Natural Regions and Environmental Adaptation of Human Life;Economy and Society.

G. Economic Geography:

Classification and Significance; Activity Components of Resource Utilization (Lumbering, Dairy Farming, Fishing, Mining, Power Generation; Agriculture and Industry).

H. Human Geography:

Population (Growth, Distribution, Age-Sex Composition, Migration;Occupational Compostition Comparison between Developed and Developing nations).

I. Regional Geography of India:

Relief; Drainage; Climate; Soil; Forest Resources; Power Resources; Mineral Resources, Irrigation; Agriculture, Industry; Population: Trade and Transport; Basis of Regional Divisions of India (Physical and Economic),

J. Statistical and Cartographic Techniques:

Scale;Cartographic Techniques of Representation; Topographical Map; Map Projection;Statistical Techniques.


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